These health conditions have been identified in Bloodhounds. Items marked with asterisks (***) can be identified through testing. Screening tests are not currently available for the other conditions listed. It is important to know the status before breeding a dog or bitch - clinically affected dogs, dogs exhibiting symptoms for any of these conditions should NOT be bred.
Bloodhound Health Issues: 1) ***Hip Dysplasia - OFA Evaluation or PennHip 2) ***Elbow Dysplasia - OFA Evaluation 3) ***Cardiac - OFA Evaluation - Specialist or Cardiologist exam is recommended and preferred. In an OFA cardiac number, the examiner is shown as: P-Practitioner, S-Specialist, or C-Cardiologist. An ECHO suffix indicates the exam included echocardiography 4) ***Eye Examination by a boarded ACVO Ophthalmologist (Optional) Results registered with OFA or CERF 5) ***Patellar Luxation (Optional) OFA Evaluation 6) ***Degenerative Myelopathy (Optional) OFA/University of Missouri DNA Test 7) Canine Epilepsy- is suspected to be an inherited disease in Bloodhounds. Research is in progress in several institutions. At this time there is no genetic marker for canine epilepsy, dogs usually will not show signs until after maturity, affected dogs should be removed from breeding programs.